
What Are You Planting?

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Recently I read a quote by author and speaker, Lisa Nichols, “You can’t plant seeds AND reap the harvest in the same season.” She went on to talk about what we're currently experiencing in our lives is a result of the seeds we have planted in the past.

Lisa’s article inspired me to think about what seeds am I choosing to plant now, that I will see manifest in my life in the weeks and months ahead? For me, the seeds I plant are – the thoughts, feelings and actions I choose to focus on each day. Am I planting seeds of of healthy living, patience, gratitude and prosperity? Seeds of loving and caring for myself? And what seeds am I planting now for my business, for my relationships and a happy home?

With the start of the new year, I believe it's a good time to think about what you want to plant for yourself, and what's realistic. It’s important to be honest.

So I invite you to ask yourself...

1. What do I want to create for my life, work and relationships in the next 30-60 days?

2. What am I willing to do now, in order to have the things I really want?

3. How can I be more intentional with my goals, actions and habits?

4. How can I support myself to maintain living more intentionally?

Remember that we always have a choice each day to be purposeful in our life through our thoughts, feelings and actions. When we choose to live consciously, we empower ourselves to be more present and aware of what's working and what isn't. Take a couple of minutes at the beginning of each day to set your intentions, and then at the end of the day to review the day's outcome and appreciate all you've started, accomplished and learned.

I encourage you to think about the seeds you want to plant now, (your thoughts, feelings and actions) that will create the life you are living tomorrow (and beyond).

p.s. And remember to always use life's best fertilizer. i.e. LOVE


Photos by Photo by Annie Spratt & / Unsplash